CSSmatic is a non-profit project, made by developers for developers
Are you a web developer? Would you like to collaborate on CSSMatic?
In Alejandro Sánchez Blanes own words "CSSmatic is a new, simple and intuitive way of editing and tunning CSS properties. We are designers and we wanted a new tool to save ourselves some tedious and repetitive work. This project builds on the shoulders of giants, and we decided to make it free as a gift to our designers community, from which we learn so much."
Alejandro is an entrepreneur and a User Interface Designer that's also able to code. He loves to design and to get dirty with HTML/CSS.
He's the founder of freepik.com (the leading website on free resources for designers), Photaki.com and co-founder of resultados-futbol.com
He currently lives in Málaga, (Spain) and keeps improving his projects and creating new ones.
Joaquín is a Spanish serial entrepreneur. He started working in LoQUo when it was a small startup before it got acquired by eBay. He created a new startup soon afterwards, Panoramio, that got acquired two years later by Google, where he worked for 3 years. He's back in Spain now and has created two new projects, PressPeople (a Press Releases aggregator) and Thumbr.io (a thumbnail and general image manipulation service in the cloud).
Marcos is an student of the last course of Computer Studies in the University of Málaga (Spain) and also works in Thumbr.io as a programmer. His favourite languages are python and javascript.
CSSMatic uses a font generated by flaticon.com under CC BY. The authors of the icons in this font are: Icons8, Freepik.
CSSmatic is a non-profit project, made by developers for developers
Are you a web developer? Would you like to collaborate on CSSMatic?